Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sharing is Caring

I'm far from proud of much of my postpartum behavior - at least in relation to my actions towards my daughter. Though I'm not anxious to shout my misdeeds from the rooftops, there has been a great deal of liberation in sharing my feelings and resulting actions with friends (as well as my therapist and psychiatrist). I don't want to hide. I don't want to whisper in secret. I don't want to be a downer, either, but I want to be able to openly share what MY experience with motherhood has been - and it has been far from rosy. I was just so sidelined by some of the feelings I have experienced that it made me wonder why these issues are not discussed more openly BEFORE one has children.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Writing just to write

Jumping into the ocean... I have to start somewhere, right? Spurred on to write about my experience of becoming a mother because it has been - and continues to be - a crazier ride than I ever could have bargained for.

I don't remember ever having strong feelings about having children. I think having kids was a foregone conclusion, but I don't recall putting detailed thought into it the way I did when I imagined my wedding or my career.